Hey guys, Hope you all are doing great. 

Algorithm To Convert Post-fix Expression into Infix expression:-

  1. Scan the Post-fix String from Left to Right.
  2. If the character is an Operand, then Push it on to the deque.
  3. If the character is an Operator, then Pop left Operator 1 and Operand 2 and concatenate them using Infix notation where the Operator is in between the Two Operands.
  4. The resultant expression is then pushed on the deque.
  5. Repeat the above steps till the Post-fix string is not scanned completely.
  6. Use parentheses properly to ensure correct order for evaluating the final expression.

Code Implementation:-

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 22 22:58:14 2018
@author: Kurtesy
from collections import deque
OPERATORS = '+-/*'

def postfix_to_infix(my_queue):
    if len(my_queue) == 1:
        return my_queue
    variable_1 = my_queue.popleft()
    """Handles left to right operation"""
    if variable_1 in OPERATORS:
        operand2 = my_queue.pop()
        operand1 = my_queue.pop()
        my_queue.append(('(%s)' % ''.join([operand1, variable_1, operand2])))
        return postfix_to_infix(my_queue)

    """Handles previous expression and next operand"""
    variable_2 = my_queue.popleft()
    if variable_2 in OPERATORS:
        operand1 = my_queue.pop()
        my_queue.append(('(%s)' % ''.join([operand1, variable_2, variable_1])))
        return postfix_to_infix(my_queue)

    """Process complete expression"""
    operation = my_queue.popleft()
    my_queue.append(('(%s)' % ''.join([variable_1, operation, variable_2])))
    return postfix_to_infix(my_queue)

def func(x):
    return eval()

while 1:
    expression = input()
    """Input till # is enforced"""
    if '#' in expression:
    queue = deque(expression)
    postfix = postfix_to_infix(queue)

Please let me know your feedback, on how i can improve and make it better. Till then!! Cheers!!

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