Project Euler #11: Largest product in a grid
Hey guys, Hope you all are doing great. I am back with another problem of Project Euler on
Project Euler #11: Largest product in a grid
In the 20×20 grid below, four numbers along a diagonal line have been marked in bold.
Tabibitosan method - A bow to Aketi Jyuuzou
Hey guys, Hope you all are doing great.
Today i came across an intruding method, which is not used in generally but is very effective and we encounter its application a lot of .
Tabibitosan method
Tabibitosan: is a Japanese word which literally means "Pilgrim".
Project Euler #10: Summation of primes
Hey guys,
Hope you all are doing great. I am back with another problem of Project Euler on
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2+3+5+7=17
Find the sum of all the primes not greater than given N.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer T i.e. number of the test cases.