Hey Fellas!! So its time to roll on.
Mathematical series are very interesting in there own ways. I find them interesting as they tickles your brain to know more.
That you try to find the end. Counting on your fingers, you will get bored or either get tired.
Programming!! Yeah that's interesting!!

Lets begin this Series on Mathematical Series.

One of the most popular, basic and interesting series is Fibonacci series:

 Probably the most famous of all Mathematical sequences; it goes like this—- 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89…
At first glance one may wonder what makes this sequence of numbers so sacrosanct or important or famous. However a quick inspection shows that it begins with two 1 s and continues to get succeeding terms by adding, each time, the last two numbers to get the next number (i.e., 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, and so on).
The Fibonacci numbers can be found in connection with the arrangement of branches on various species of trees, as well as in the number of ancestors at every generation of the male bee on its family tree. There is practically no end to where these numbers appear or be sighted.
Fibonacci numbers are very much connected to the famous ‘Golden Ratio’ or ‘Divine ratio’ whose value is equal to 1.618…
There are many properties of Fibonacci series, only a few are listed below:
i.            The sum of any ten consecutive Fibonacci numbers is divisible by 11.
ii.            Two consecutive Fibonacci numbers do not have any common factor, which means that they are Co-prime or relatively prime to each other.
iii.            The Fibonacci numbers in the composite-number (i.e., non-prime) positions are also composite numbers.
iv.            The sum of the first n Fibonacci numbers is equal to the Fibonacci number two further along the sequence minus 1.Mathematically , F1  + F2+F3……..+Fn = Fn+2 -1.
There are many counting problems in combinatorics whose solution is given by the Fibonacci Numbers.
So let us code Fibonacci series in Python:
n=input("Enter series limit")
print "Fibonacci Series:"
print a,b,
    print c,

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